
The photographic blog of Sean Wood (aka motionid)


A late afternoon sky in black & white at Birubi beach.

These have been sitting in my computer for 4 years. Needless to say that is a long gestation period before they saw the light of day (or the internet). It's taken this long for me to get around to liking them. I'm hoping this very slow gestation is like a great song that grows on you over time. Music that instantly appeals tends for me to get old fast, so I'm hoping this approach to photography works in the long run.

These were shot on the Hasselblad with either Tmax or Trix (no idea which one unless I dig the negs out and look).

Mt. Takao

Old set of images from a trip up the mountain. Shot using the Holga and any film that was available at the time film.

More of the neighbourhood

More adventures with the Holga.

There is a block of public apartments near where I live that runs about 8 or 9 stories high. Access to the stairs leading to the top floor is open so I took a visit on a mid Sunday afternoon conveniently missing the sign (I discovered on another day) that said no trespassing or the police will be called. Thank god I didn’t get caught.)

Having now been up their and shot a role or two I’m keen to access a place with the same kind of view with the same hight and a lot less risk.

Tokyo is a lot more interesting when you can see beyond your own nose.

Shot using expired Chinese 100ASA film which helps produce the really spotting images.